These Are The Matadors. A County Connect Posse a few years younger than their forefathers. Pictures is Kim, Z, Buck, and B-Lee ( Who as of this moment is UN-Blacklisted). Page sawiki if your reading this, if u slay lee we will reconsider your blacklist status, But you were blacklisted and than RE- Blacklisted which means you also have to find a way out of that, But reguardless it's a step in the right direction. To Introduce The Matadors I will give you a quick backround on them.
Kim just recently showed up on the County Connect Radar when i gave Buck a visit to his senior week house. while I'm telling this story i might as well go ahead and throw one out to my boy kyle O'shea cause hes tight and he was at the house when this all went down as well. So Im up at this senior week appartment hangin with some homies and buck and i get the idea to hammer a LoKo in the beer bong, and with kim as our witness we took it down like garrish takes it from shook. I know that story was way more about me and buck than kim but hes the man and thats all that needs to be said.
Z Crane is like a brother to me, Liniage of Trav crane, and a sick all around lacrosse player. My best memory of Z is when i had a house party in high school, Z came with Guido ( a notorious Tech Boy) and they both told me that they got domers from the girl i was dating at the time. It turned out to be false in the long run, but i believed them for like 2 weeks and they truely did "dog the DOG" respect
Buck is a Raider who has got to be one of the nicest guys i know. He slays hot broads, some located within seconds of where the county connect is based, and some outside of there. But that is neither here nor there. One good story i can tell you about buck is when we were at the same party where i made some memories with Z, Buck got hammered drunk and in his costume, passed out on my new suede sofa. I told him probably 3 or 4 times that if he thought he would puke to just sleep im the bunk beds in my room. the next morning I woke up and You can guess what happened. Still Love you Buck.
Add IN: Mike Barb. He is not in the picture but he will be listed under The Matadors Relm of rule over Baltimore County. Barb is a Bro, He like Laxxing and his girlfriends hot. Thats all there is to know about him
B-Lee. The one story i will reveal about Lee is that the first time i met him he told me he was a midfielder for Syracuse, which at the time was my favorite college lacrosse team. Now its UMD but that is neither here nor there. B-lee also while i was dating the girl Z tried to dogg me with, told me that he had taken her V Card. B- Lee your a dirty dog but your a Matador now. Cherish it
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