If you guys ever wondered what would happen if you sent Raul a text just saying "Pix?"
This is exactly what you would get.
Also has recently recovered from the tragic love affair with Ned L which sparked around the time doug and Pat started up their little fling. God help both of you, and Raul is now in a relationship with some Catonsville broad. I encourage you all to friend request her on facebook.

This little beauty was taken around 7pm on sunday night after picking up Fat dean and dong from the trashiest bar in town, Caseys. After Rob "dat niggah" Mos coming exceedingly close to an ex ray lewis groupie we will simply refer to on here as Dongs Sister, Doug got out of the car, stumbled into a mailbox, than went face first into the curb/ street. It was an epic fall and I wish i had video of it.
Until Next time.
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