UVA: Lets face it, everyone in ravens stadium today wanted UVA to take the win and move on past whoever won that other game nobody cares about, to a National Championship.
There was a lot of talk about how the attendance would be low since no instate lacrosse teams were playing, the fans wouldn't show.
My side of this argument is that there are probably more maryland kids on UVA than almost any other Devision 1 NCAA team in the nation. And also between the attack power house Steele Stanwick is, and Brian Carroll's domination of the wahoo's midfeild. This team was backed just as hard as say Maryland would have been if they were'nt knocked out by the Fighting Irish.
Duke: Can suck shooters hairy sack. They have kids wearing Brine helmates on there team. Most of us don't even care about dukes lacrosse team strictly on the principal that we hate there Basketball team and thats just the way we are raised here at the county connect. Nobody grows up rooting on the blue devils as the creep through the sweet 16 every year. its always Terps Terps Terps!. Unless your shook, in which case your backing your boi'z at Coppin State. So this is a little bit of a ramble but hopefully you guys will agree with me that duke fucking sucks, there actually pretty good at lacrosse, but they still suck. get what I mean?? I know you do.
Fuck it though. Monday at 12 noon we will be tailgating for the champo game which i hope gets struck by lightning. Feel free to come along, if your going to the game anyway than call me up and stop by.
GO! Nobody~!!!
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